Monday, February 20, 2012

See, God IS doing a NEW thing!

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.  Isaiah 43:19

Today, something incredible happened to me after heating a bowl of homemade vegetable soup for lunch. As I was thinking about eating a few crackers with my soup, I heard clearly, get you a piece of cornbread and crumble it up in your soup. I hesitated at first because; you see I don’t like wet bread of any kind. As a child my parents knew to place my bread either on my napkin or on a saucer in order for me to be able to eat it. Every once in a while they would forget and I would come to sit down at the table and look at my plate and get mad because my bread would be soaked by the juice of some neck bones, pinto or great northern beans. Whenever this happened, I would immediately pass that wet bread on to one of my younger brothers to eat instead.

After moving in obedience to what I heard, guess what happened? I began to dance. The taste of that cornbread mixed in with my soup was absolutely off the hook! In fact the flavor of the soup came through a whole lot stronger. I was like wow, God you mean to tell me that I have been missing out on a good thing like this all of these years? You mean that at the age of 45, I just experienced something that I could have enjoyed back in my childhood?  I’m sure there may be some of you who may find this quite funny because you may have already experienced the savor and flavor of cornbread soaked in the juices of your favorite foods. But to tell you the truth, I know I’m not alone because others are also missing out on some really great things because of old mindsets picked up through the years.   

In the book of Isaiah chapter 43, God was speaking to his servant Isaiah concerning Israel and the new thing He desired to do for them as a people. Despite their previous unfaithfulness to God, He wanted them to see that He was actually making a way of escape so they could be freed from their old mindset and receive forgiveness. God had always been faithful and good to them but they never fully embraced this goodness so they missed out on enjoying the full experience God had prepared for them since they left Egypt.

Now in order to fully embrace what God has for your life, take a moment to reflect on the type of mindsets you have allowed to become a part of you. Ask yourself, what are some of the things you have been doing which block you from experiencing God’s freedom in your life? What childhood habits have been carried over into your adulthood that you need to cut at the root?  Today can truly can mark the beginning of a turning point in your life by embracing what God has already made available for you. Now is the time to take the leap of faith and step out and try something new. You never know, you could have really been missing out on something great.

Blessings & Enjoy!

If you are in need of Jesus the Savior, you are welcome to pray the following prayer.

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

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Memphis, TN 38175