Saturday, September 11, 2010

Isaiah 55:10-11 Devotional

It is late Saturday evening and I just placed some seasoned chicken in the oven to bake for Sunday dinner. As I washed the chicken in the sink a flood of gratitude washed over me as I thought about the past season and how God blessed my husband and I despite the financial drought we experienced.

In a season that was meant to break us and destroy our faith altogether, God was right there in the midst of it all. There was not one time where we went hungry; in fact I have gained weight because my clothes have gotten a bit snug. As I meditated in the moment while still washing the chicken, my eyes clouded up with tears as I thanked God for the gift of my husband and how he still pressed on to provide for us and to keep a roof over our heads. I honor God that our faith is much stronger and our marriage of 13 years has gotten another layer of strength to add to its foundation. God is definitely worthy to receive all of my praise for what He has done.

You may ask if I got discouraged in all of this, honestly, yes I did, but still despite this fact, I did not lose my faith in God. Since I can remember God has placed a resilient spirit in me. No matter what came my way, I would always through the grace of almighty God, bounce back. If it had not been for the Lord on my side during my lowest points in life, where would I be? Truly I know today that I would have been swallowed up. But it was God’s grace and mercy that kept me moving forward, Hallelujah!

As I began to check on the side items cooking on the stovetop, I stopped to give thanks to God for the days to come. I feel down in my spirit that the best days of my life are right in front of me. I am stronger, wiser and definitely ready to walk out in obedience as God’s divine will unfolds in the coming months. God is up to something good and I break into a smile just thinking about what’s to come.

In parting I would like to leave this with you, stay focused and set your face like flint during this time, let the spirit of God lead you, stand strong and stand firm on the word of God and keep on pressing into the throne room of grace. Your prayer time and time alone with God is essential to your breakthrough. Stay connected to your church and church family, there is strength when the different parts of the body are connected. No matter how hard or how long the struggles you are facing today may be, understand in your heart and mind that God is there in the midst with you just as He was with Daniel in the lion’s den. God sees, hears, and knows what you are going through. He is truly just one prayer away. Trust and believe that the living word of God spoken over your life in the past will not return void but will accomplish God’s will. I rejoice with you as you come to the realization that your best days are indeed in front of you, too.

God Bless!

Isaiah 55:10-11

(10) For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth an bud, That it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, (11) So shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Restoration Prayer for America

Father God, we humble our hearts and align our minds and spirit with you, the only true and living God. We ask that you forgive us for the times we have missed you and allowed our fleshly desires to cloud our thoughts and lives with things which took our focus from true kingdom business. God we repent for all of the negative and unholy things we as a people have allowed to enter into our country and communities. Many of the things we have allowed could have been prevented if we as a people had taken out time to petition your throne of grace.

Heavenly Father, we repent for the murder of every unborn child who will never have an opportunity to experience life. We repent for allowing prayer to be taken out of our public schools and for allowing the enemy free access to our children’s lives. Forgive us God for abusing the elderly and for mistreating the poor and disenfranchised. We repent for not truly loving our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us dear God for all of our selfishness and for only being concerned about our individual needs. So many people are hurting and dying right before our eyes because we have not been true lights upon a hill, but more like pen lights in a dense fog. Father, please forgive us for our spiritual blindness. Open our eyes so we may see our country and the world through your eyes.

Father God, forgive us for sleeping on the job and for wasting precious time. We repent for not standing in the gap and interceding for our government leaders and those who have rule over us. Forgive us for our constant complaining and bickering and for not participating in our country’s growth process. Your word tells us to work while it is yet day, for when the night comes no man can work. Breathe on us God, so the flame in our hearts will burn with a new intensity and fire as we set our hands to help complete the work that you have already started in this country. May our eyes be focused as we renew our commitment to serve you God in not only words but in faith and godly works. Father God, we humbly accept this new challenge as our country unites to walk into this new season of change. Thank you for forgiving us for our sins and iniquities and also for directing us back to your heart and into your divine will and purpose for America.

Restoration Prayer from the book, America's Change a Poetic View 2009