Fresh rain, fresh wind moving through the sky,
coming so quickly there's no where to run
and hide.
Caught off guard no place to go, you stand
at attention trying to focus with your
nervous soul.
The time has come, here comes the release,
no time to be like Gideon and lay out
the fleece.
Thought God forgot? You know these are the
last days. When He pours out His spirit
upon all flesh and leads us into His ways.
Now full of His spirit, your life begins
to change. You're now walking in the
boldness and authority of Jesus name.
Copyrighted 2005 Arnita L. Fields
Published in Rescued, Restored, Renewed & Revived 2006
"Go now, write it on a tablet for them, inscribe it on a scroll, that for the days to come it may be an everlasting witness." Isaiah 30:8
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Wishing a Happy 68th Birthday to my mama, Etta o'Bryant today. Following is a poem that I wrote for her in 2006, hope you all enjoy it.
God Bless, Arnita
(For my mom Etta O’bryant)
Thank You God for the life I now live.
It means more to me than the material
things you give.
All throughout my life as I journeyed along the way,
you’ve carefully chose bits and pieces of all of my days.
You added in extra faith, love, hope, peace and allowed
in a bit of sorrow.
Your true aim was for me to see that each day was a part
of a bigger and brighter tomorrow.
Now the pieces full of color, and handled with such
care, soon evolve and fit together like a fine woven tapestry.
My life has been woven by the hands of the almighty
God so delicately.
Now, the whole world will be able to see, how little by
little and bit by bit, God has changed me into the
woman that He created me to be.
Copyright 2006 Arnita L. Fields
Published in the book "And the Beat Goes On" (2007)
God Bless, Arnita
(For my mom Etta O’bryant)
Thank You God for the life I now live.
It means more to me than the material
things you give.
All throughout my life as I journeyed along the way,
you’ve carefully chose bits and pieces of all of my days.
You added in extra faith, love, hope, peace and allowed
in a bit of sorrow.
Your true aim was for me to see that each day was a part
of a bigger and brighter tomorrow.
Now the pieces full of color, and handled with such
care, soon evolve and fit together like a fine woven tapestry.
My life has been woven by the hands of the almighty
God so delicately.
Now, the whole world will be able to see, how little by
little and bit by bit, God has changed me into the
woman that He created me to be.
Copyright 2006 Arnita L. Fields
Published in the book "And the Beat Goes On" (2007)
Monday, July 19, 2010
Die Religion Die
Cast down your pride and your old mindsets,
our God is a living God and He deserves our very best.
God is not concerned if you can two step in place,
or even when your fasting
that you wear a down cast face.
God is not looking for people who feel comfortable
in a mold. He called us as servants and His word has
called for us to be bold.
He called us as witnesses to be lights upon a hill,
not to be religious puppets
seeking man and not Him for His will.
We must gather together as God's chosen people and
prepare for our battle cry. No more business as usual,
as we shout to the world, Die Religion Die.
Copyrighted 2005 Arnita L. Fields
Published in Rescued, Restored, Renewed & Revived, 2006
our God is a living God and He deserves our very best.
God is not concerned if you can two step in place,
or even when your fasting
that you wear a down cast face.
God is not looking for people who feel comfortable
in a mold. He called us as servants and His word has
called for us to be bold.
He called us as witnesses to be lights upon a hill,
not to be religious puppets
seeking man and not Him for His will.
We must gather together as God's chosen people and
prepare for our battle cry. No more business as usual,
as we shout to the world, Die Religion Die.
Copyrighted 2005 Arnita L. Fields
Published in Rescued, Restored, Renewed & Revived, 2006
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Moving Forward

As I sat working on a project during the third watch of the night, I began to hear the rustling of the wind outside my window. As the wind picked up speed and lightening began to light up the sky, it was inevitable that a huge storm was about to pass through Memphis. After spending a few moments listening to see if I should just go on to bed and finish up what I was working on later today, I began to type faster as words began to flow up out of my spirit. Although a huge storm was moving throughout the city, I still had to remain focused and keep on working because God still had something to say despite what was going on around me.
During the course of the past few months Israel Houghton’s song “Moving Forward” has come up repeatedly in my spirit. I love this song not because Israel is one of my favorite minstrels, but because the words resonate with my spirit as a charge to move forward into the things that God has purposed for me to do and in the time that I have been allotted to do them in.
This morning during my quiet time as I listened intently to what the spirit of God was saying, I began to hear that there were some things in my life that needed to be closed out and completed before the end of this month. July which is the seventh month is also known as the month of completion. As details of the items that needed my immediate attention were revealed, I began to make mental notes so that I would not forget one single thing. God was truly showing forth His wisdom as He began to confirm to me details about the upcoming season and the things that were coming to a close in my life right now. Although my breakthrough stands within sight on the horizon, I am truly glad that I was up and working before the storm came, it has put my mind at rest knowing that this type of cleansing rain was good not only for the city but for my soul and spirit as well.
One of my favorite scriptures is Ecclesiastes 3, where in verse 1 Solomon writes; “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” With this thought in mind, as I move closer to my 44th year of life, I am learning so much more about myself as an individual as well as who I am as a child of God. Although during the course of 43 years, I have made numerous mistakes, and have by the grace and wisdom of God made many good decisions. Many of these decisions led me closer to God and many others took me away from His planned will for my life. Regardless of this fact, God had continued to shower His love upon and in me. My deepest desire and heart’s cry is to be a vessel unto honor and pleasing to God no matter the cost. After today, I have no plans of looking back; my face has now been set like flint so that I can move forward in God.
Although I have been directed to remove some people and things that have become distractions, I know that all things do work together for good in the end. Despite the many storms of this past season God has truly been merciful to me and my family. For without His mercy and grace I believe I would have fainted right smack in the middle of it all, but because I have a purpose and destiny to fulfill in God, He has come to strengthen me and to restore my soul. May this note offer some type of encouragement to you as you prepare to exit the month of completion and enter into your own month of new beginnings.
In God's love,
Arnita L. Fields
moving forward,
spiritual cleanse
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