Thursday, June 23, 2011

Relief from Spiritual Constipation

Galatians 5:1

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

Constipation usually occurs when there is not enough fiber in the diet or not enough water being taken in to soften the waste which needs to pass through the body. The use of certain medications and certain illnesses may also contribute to people becoming constipated.

Many may question how being spiritually constipated correlates with being constipated in the natural. But as you will see in a moment, what we experience in the natural (our bodies) very much parallel what we go through in the spirit.

If you have ever found yourself seriously constipated, you know how uncomfortable this feeling can be. Being constipated can sometimes cause abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss and even make you feel nauseous. When this happens an individual knows that it is way past time for them to seek relief. Being spiritual constipation works the same way, when your spirit is stopped up and you are unable to get a full release, you become stagnant in your spirit or dry so to speak. You may begin to experience pain down in your soul but can’t pinpoint the source of your discomfort. You will also find that you are unable to move forward because your stomach is so bloated that you are unable to move freely as you once were able to do. Lastly, you find yourself experiencing cramps which tend come and go even at some of the most inconvenient times.

So how do you spell relief? D-E-L-I-V-E-R-E-N-C-E!

Wondering what steps should you take to gaining deliverance from spiritual constipation and dryness? In the next few moments I will share with you the steps which Father God led me through as I personally gained freedom from a season of spiritual constipation.

1. First, ask the Holy Sprit to search your heart for any residue of unforgiveness from past hurts and or offences lingering down in the cracks and crevices.

2. Secondly, write down the names of those whom the Holy Spirit brings to your remembrance and then go down your list one name at a time to forgive and then release the person(s) completely.

3. Once you have completed your list, tear up or burn.

4. Next, take a moment to release God from anything negative you may feel in your heart towards Him.

5. Then spend some time in meditation and in study of the word.

6. Next, allow for the washing of the water of the word to rejuvenate your spirit through and through.

7. Set aside an appointed time to fellowship with the Father in worship and prayer.

8. Next, spend time listening for God’s wisdom/guidance on how you will need to proceed in your restored/refreshed state.

9. Spend some time in consecration weekly to maintain your new found deliverance.

10. Change your diet by adding in more fruits & vegetables. This is not only naturally but spiritually nourishing and it will help to keep your digestive tract clean.

What are some of the benefits from obtaining relief from spiritual constipation?

1. New found liberty in the spirit.

2. Closer fellowship with the Father, God.

3. More strategic prayer life.

4. Stronger foundation built upon the word of God.

5. Intensified Love walk.

6. Increased desire to walk in obedience to God’s commands.

7. Overflow of joy, peace & happiness.

Prayerfully this information has been of some benefit and you will now prayerfully consider taking what you have learned and make application to your life. Best wishes as you embark on your journey to gaining relief from spiritual constipation.

If you are in need of Jesus the Savior, you are welcome to pray the following prayer.

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Father's Voice

For my father, Walter L. Smith, Sr.

I can still remember my father’s voice as a little girl calling me by my nickname, Ne-Ne. Then suddenly as if on wings like an eagle I would make haste to see what he wanted and then sit listening to hear what he would have to say to me.

Now that the process of time has caught up with the both of us, still at the age of forty-four when I hear my father’s voice calling my name while talking on the phone with him, I began to quiet down and then listen intently so that I am able to hear all that he would have to say to me.

When I hear the voice of Father God, my Abba Father, calling my name, I make it a point to immediately run and jump into His loving arms. Then I wait in anticipation, quietly listening to hear what He would have to say to me.

Learning to recognize and cherish the voice of my natural Father helped to prepare me to hear the voice of my heavenly Father.

Today, if you hear His voice, harden not your heart, but open up your ears to hear and receive that which is on the heart of your Heavenly Father.

© 2011 by Arnita L. Fields