A clique (pronounced /ˈkliːk/, also
/ˈklɪk/ (U.S.)) is an exclusive group of people who share common
interests, views, purposes, patterns of behavior, or ethnicity.[1] A
clique as a reference group can be either normative or comparative.
Membership in a clique is typically exclusive, and qualifications for
membership may be social or essential to the nature of the clique. (Info
taken from Wikipedia)
yesterday evening Father placed within my heart to pray & intercede
for every person who has ever been rejected, separated, pushed aside or
discounted by people who said that they had no value when it came to
ministry in the Kingdom of God. As I prayed my heart went back to all of
the times when I have personally been cast out so to speak from people
who rejected me because I did not fit into their mold or way of doing
things because I was seen as different or peculiar. This past Sunday my
Apostle and Pastor taught an awesome message about people who have been
thrown into a pit by other people. I rejoiced because I had been there
in that place many times before, too many to even name.
back over the 30 years that I have worked in ministry (from singing in
the youth choir at age 15 to serving at a local Nashville nursing home) I
have seen many cliques formed. When cliques are in full operation, you
will begin to see an increase in wounded and rejected people within the
church because the sole purpose of a clique is separation. If you are
part of a ministry group and you begin to notice that mini-sub groups
are being formed within that ministry where only a select few are
offered admittance than you are seeing a clique in action. Mind you, I
am not talking about cell groups or ministry within a church setting,
because these are bilibical (see Acts 2) What is on the heart of the
Father today is concern for those who operate or participate in the
gathering of cliques within the Body of Christ. These are not biblical
nor do they serve or benefit a kingdom purpose.
Body of Christ was officially established in the book of Acts chapter 2
when those assembled in the upper room were together in one place and
on one accord. In Acts 2: 42-47, it details how the body of believers
operated. "They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching
and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was
filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold
property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they
continued to meet together in the temple courts. They
broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere
hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the
Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." They were
blessed beyond measure because they were connected to the Body of
if you find yourself connected to a sub-group within the body of Christ
and it's sole purpose is to scatter and not gather then you are
operating contrary to true kingdom purpose. The word of God in Luke
11:23 says "He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not
gather with me, scatters."
that God loves each and every one of his children and He is not a
respector of persons. His desire to have relationship and fellowship
with all of His children including the ones who have been cast to the
side and rejected. Ask the Lord to forgive, heal and restore you on
today if you have taken part in any cliques, know that He is waiting
with out stretched loving arms to receive you back into the fold.
Arnita L. Fields