Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How deeply do you need the Father?

Some have been using God as a temporary fix the way some use Anbesol for a toothache. The medication soothes the pain temporarily, but it’s a visit to the dentist or the oral surgeon that is truly needed.

Father God is not a surface God; but He is the Sovereign, Holy Father who desires for you to know Him in a deeper way.

So how deeply do you need Him? How bad do you want to know the Father?

Do you only want to use the Sovereign Father on a temporary basis for the times when you have a toothache or do you want to know Him for the rest of your life? The choice is yours.

Blessings and Love,

Arnita L. Fields
A Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the Lord

If you are in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It is in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Father God is jealous for you

Exodus 20:5
"You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."

Do you remember back when you attended grade school and the little boys picked who their special girl would be at the beginning of the school year? Sometimes, they picked a precious little girl who they never really got a chance to connect with, maybe because of fear, competition, etc. But even if the competition for the little girl's heart was great, there would always be one little boy who would act out in a fit of jealousy causing a stir throughout the whole grade school. 

With Father God, He chooses to do things quite differently. Before you were born and fashioned in your mother's womb, God's desire was to keep you as His very own. As a Father who cares, He knows that sometimes you can lose focus and allow the cares of this world to redirect your affection. As a God who is jealous for you, He would be right in what He does if He shook things up, but because He's also a loving God, He extends His hands to beckon you to draw near. As one of His very own, His heart's desire is to see you not run away in fear, but to come lay your head upon His chest to hear how deep His heart beats for you.

Blessings & love,

Arnita L. Fields

A Scribe of the Lord, A Scribe for the Lord

If you are in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It is in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.