Some have been using God
as a temporary fix the way some use Anbesol for a toothache. The medication soothes the pain temporarily,
but it’s a visit to the dentist or the oral surgeon that is truly needed.
Father God is not a surface God; but He is the Sovereign, Holy Father who desires for you to know Him in a
deeper way.
So how deeply do you need Him? How
bad do you want to know the Father?
Do you only want to use the Sovereign Father on a temporary basis for the times when you have a toothache or do you want to know Him for the rest of your life? The choice is yours.
Blessings and Love,
Arnita L. Fields
A Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the Lord
If you
are in need of the Savior, Jesus Christ
Prayer of Salvation
I repent of all of my sins and right now I do
confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my
sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now
seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life
and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.
It is in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.