Friday, March 30, 2012

No matter how high you get, you’ll still be looking up to Me says GOD

No matter how high you get no matter how much revelation I reveal to you, I AM still God, I AM still God.

The things that you see in the spirit remember that they all come from Me. They are shown to you only as you stand to represent Me.

The prayers that you pray as you go about your day, they come only as you trust and obey.

No matter how high you get, no matter how far you go, I AM the God of all mankind and I still have control.

Continue to seek Me and to stay before My face, the only reason why you are still in the land of the living is because of an abundance of My grace.

Daily have I washed you with the watering of My love. This is a sign to those around you that your approval comes from above.

No matter how high you get in the eyes of man, I AM the GOD of all flesh and this word is being released to you that you may understand.

As the days draw to a close in the earth before the earthly return of My Son, there will be an abundance of MY revelation flowing like a river touching the lives of My appointed ones.

There will no time for inner fighting comparing to see who has the best word. But those who speak from the heart of their Heavenly Father will not have the need to be concerned.

New revelation, new insight, new wisdom will be coming forth fast. It will take the faith like that of a child as you grasp for these splendors of grass. (Nourishment)

No matter how high you get, no matter how far you go; I AM still the God of all mankind and it is I who has complete control.

Friday March 30, 2012 10:21 AM

Arnita L. Fields

A Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the LORD

If you are in need of Jesus the Savior, you are welcome to pray the following prayer.

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

From the Father's Heart (Thursday March 29, 2012 8:45 AM)

Hear the heart of the Father today; hear the heart of His word.

There’s too much inner fighting in the church today and it’s not pleasing to the Lord.

I called forth those who I have called and many are being turned away. No to this and no to that just because they don’t fit in with your ways.

The creation of the church was established after my precious Son was wounded, bled and died. Why are you continuing to push My people away breaking their hearts and making them cry?

Today is the day that I serve you notice because enough is enough. It was upon My rock that I built this church and flesh will no longer corrupt. 

Hear the heart of the Father today; hear the heart of His word.

There’s too much inner fighting in the church today and it’s not pleasing to the Lord.

Thursday March 29, 2012 8:45 AM

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And God Remembered Noah

Genesis 8:1 KJV

And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;

Genesis 8:1 NIV

But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

I have used two different translations because I wanted you to have a clear understanding of what the Father has placed upon my heart this afternoon.  The scripture we will focus in on is the King James Version because of the use of the word, “And,” which is the subject of this post today.

The word “And” is defined in the Free Dictionary as Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as. Used to connect words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical function in a construction.”  So when you see the word “And,” it serves as a sign that something is being added to what has already been previously presented. The blessing in this passage is not only the fact that God remembered Noah, but also in His remembrance God added something of value to his life as well. 

For a time God had grown discontent with the men upon the earth. Sin was rampant and corruption was everywhere as the sons of God began to connect with the daughters of man. So God sent forth a flood which covered the earth. And it rained for 40 days and forty nights and everything that had the breath of God within it perished except for Noah and his family. Then something great happened, God in all of His splendor and majesty, had a moment of thought and remembered Noah.  This time things will be different, this time instead of subtraction God would add on to what He had previously blessed the man he created with. 

As previously mentioned to the first man Adam, God told Noah to “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth,” also in addition to this charge God added in something special which would not only bless Noah and his family but all future generations to come, He added in a special covenant promise

This covenant promise would serve as a reminder to God Himself that despite the condition of the hearts and ways of men in the earth that He would no longer allow the waters to come and to destroy all flesh from the earth.  Today, this should come to you as awesome news because this covenant promise from God is His grace extended to those in the earth. This grace extended reveals how much God was grieved when the floods came to destroy all that He had created. As the loving Father that He is, no matter how corrupt men had become, God still wanted men to have an opportunity to return to Him and turn from their wicked ways.

Today, we are in a place where there is multiplied confusion, all manners of evil and corruption throughout the earth, but God in His faithfulness when the floods receded left us an “And.” Because of this one word He remembered Noah and his family and added value to his life by making a covenant promise. As the people of God, let us not forget the promise that God has made. Let us not forget to lift up holy hands and intercede not only for this nation but for each other and the world as a whole. People truly need to see the true light of Christ in the earth in every way. My prayer for us today is that we live our lives in such a way that God keeps us in remembrance as He did with Noah.


Arnita L. Fields

Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the Lord


If you are in need of Jesus the Savior, you are welcome to pray the following prayer.

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The truth about "Silly Women"

2 Timothy 3:1-9 (Kings James Version)

“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as theirs also was.”

In this particular message I will be focusing on a subject which has come up during recent times of prayer as well as in a few conversations with some of my spiritual sisters.  I first heard of  the term "Silly Women" in the early 1990’s when the women's group at a former ministry I attended did a study on how not to become a woman who is led away from God by participating in malicious and ungodly talk about others. During this time the ministry had recently severed the cords of religious tradition and had begun to open their hearts to embrace the bible and its full teaching on the operation of the Holy Spirit. My family and many of the young to middle aged men & women embraced with a hunger and thirst what the pastor had introduced to our parched spirits. Because we each had a desire for more of God, we were able to receive what was being taught in purity because our spiritual man bore witness to God’s holy truth.

Interesting to note is the fact that even with God doing such a great new thing in our midst there were some who were sitting under the same anointed word who did not want to accept the truth that was being presented. So in an attempt to stop the truth of God from flowing, a “silly woman” revolt of sorts was staged. Using their tongues as the weapon of choice, this group began to come against anyone who had accepted to walk in the truth of God’s word. In the end, God’s truth prevailed because HIS truth always trumps that which is false.

In this passage of scripture the Apostle Paul writes to Timothy describing how this would become a huge issue within the Body of Christ in the last days because men would become lovers of themselves and would not be open to being held accountable to the truth of God.  In addition we also see in this passage that many of the people who would be caught up in all of this godlessness are actually professing Christians. 

The term "silly women" originates in the King James Version of the bible and is seen translated as “weak-willed” women in later translations. Being a “silly” or “weak-willed” woman is someone who will fall for anything false and accepts it as being truth. When God's truth is made available many will resist truth because it causes people to not only hear and accept truth but it also provokes them to become accountable as well. When accountability to truth is activated in the person accepting the responsibility, they are freed from the bondage associated with doing things outside the established truth of God.

When hearing truth, what is your normal response? Do you accept or reject it based on how you are feeling or what you have previously heard?  Or do you take some time to analyze it before you can truly walk in it? No matter what your response may be in the end when your ears first hear truth, the spirit of God down on the inside of you will help to bear witness with the truth being presented. Additionally, a life of prayer, consistent study and meditation of the word of God also serves as a litmus test for you when God’s truth is first presented.

This is the season of truth as it has already been made known by many appointed men and women of God. Truth must be revealed so we as the Body of Christ can live and operate as true representatives of God in the earth. Truth must be revealed so the established plans and purposes of God can manifest. Truth must be revealed so that the captives of all things false can be set free from the hold of darkness. There is an old song I love from the late Rev. Timothy Wright called, “Whose on the Lord’s side.” When the truth of God is revealed in the earth the best place to be is always on the side of the Lord.

Blessings & Love,

Arnita L. Fields

A Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the Lord

Prayer of Salvation

If after reading this devotional and you have a desire to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, please pray the following prayer:

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.
It’s in Jesus name I do pray, Amen

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

A Poetic View
PO BOX 754301
Memphis, TN 38175

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Scribes are coming, the Scribes are coming!

Behold, look across the land and see the multitude. There is coming forth a company of people, a people set apart even before their birth. A people who I have called to my very self, a people who will write the very words of my own heart. Behold, look, see! The Scribes are coming, the Scribes are coming! 

Read what they write for they are submitted to my will. Read what they write, for they are a peculiar people set apart for my use alone. Read what they write for their times are in my hands. Read what they write, for they write what is on my heart concerning the times and seasons. Behold, look, see! For the Scribes are coming, the Scribes are coming!

Monday March 12, 2012 8:28 PM

Today, if you desire to know the Lord as your personal savior, please pray the following prayer

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

PO BOX 754301
Memphis, TN 38175

This is the Season to hear My Truth

This is the season to hear my truth. This is the season to hear my voice. This is the season to hear my heart. This is the season to walk in my truth and nothing but my truth. You ask, what is God's truth? We have always walked in God's truth. No, you have not walked in my truth, in fact when you hear my truth you turn your nose up and say, that's not God, that's not Him. But here I am today to tell you, hear my voice as I speak through those whom I have appointed to speak, to teach, and to write my truth. Hear my truth today and live. Hear my truth today and rise up. Hear my truth today and receive the joy you have been missing. Hear my truth today so you can be transformed. Hear my truth today, saith the Lord.

Monday March 12, 2012 8:15 PM

Today, if you desire to know the Lord as your personal savior, please pray the following prayer

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

PO BOX 754301
Memphis, TN 38175

AMERICA, AMERICA March 12, 2012

America, America, land of the free and home of the brave. America, America, land of the free and home of the brave. Hear the word of the Lord today, hear the voice of the Father. Hear my heart as I speak what concerns you during this time and season. Many times, I have held back my judgement because there are many, many standing upon the walls and in the gaps lifting up holy prayers before me. Many times I have chastened you and you repented only to return to your former self. Today, I desire for you to hear my heart concerning the state you are in today. I desire to bring forth change and to turn around many things but your ways and your old mindsets have prevented many things from coming forth. Yes, there are many things that I need for you to participate in individually as part of the total process.

Change has come but do you see it? Change has come but do you acknowledge it? Change has come, but do you desire it? I have shifted from the way in which you once saw me move, I have now changed direction to complete what needed to be done in the earth. Will you join me, America? Will you turn to see which way I am moving? Will you accept and grab hold to what I desire to do within your very midst? "Come now, let us reason together, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson they shall be like wool." Come now and receive my outstretched hand, I am here to receive you, I am here even to hear your silent tears, I am here to restore you fully to myself. America, America, land of the free and home of the brave. America, America, land of the free and home of the brave. Hear the word of the Lord today, hear the voice of the Father.

Monday March 12, 2012 7:12 PM

Today, if you desire to know the Lord as your personal savior, please pray the following prayer

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

PO BOX 754301
Memphis, TN 38175