Habakkuk 2:14
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. “ NIV
Isaiah 60:2
“See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the
peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you.”
Upon rising Saturday morning, I noticed that the
unbalance that I felt in the realm of the spirit the previous day had indeed
passed away. There was such a sweet presence, such a stillness that it could
not be denied. The atmosphere had shifted and it was going to be an awesome,
awesome day. As I waited for the Father
to speak, I got up from my bed and then went into my quiet place.
Moments later I heard the voice of the Father say
that a “Spiritual Eclipse” had occurred in the wee morning hours, right before
He had awakened me from my sleep the first time. As I began to ponder on what I
heard, instantly a vision of what occurred was before my eyes.
In the vision, I saw the earth surrounded by complete
darkness. Moments later, the light of the Father’s presence began to shine
forth and fill the darkness with iridescent colors. As the presence of the Father covered and then
surrounded the earth, I heard “My grace is covering the earth and protecting it
from the enemy.” Once these words were
spoken the vision was gone and I began to pray as I walked into my office to
look up the full meaning of the word eclipse.
“An eclipse is an astronomical event that
occurs when an astronomical object is temporarily obscured,
either by passing into the shadow of another body or by having another body
pass between it and the viewer. An eclipse is a type of syzygy.[1]
The term eclipse is most often used to describe
either a solar eclipse, when the Moon's shadow crosses the
Earth's surface, or a lunar eclipse, when the Moon moves into the Earth's
shadow. However, it can also refer to such events beyond the Earth-Moon system:
for example, a planet moving into the shadow cast by one of its moons, a moon
passing into the shadow cast by its host planet, or a moon passing into the
shadow of another moon. A binary star system can also produce eclipses if the
plane of the orbit of its constituent stars intersects the observer's position.”
Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eclipse
Without going deeper into all of the technical
things surrounding the different types of eclipses, the wisdom Father released
pertains only to the spiritual eclipse that has now occurred and the fact that
His glory has increased and is now covering the earth to bring all things back
into alignment with Him.
Father thank you for the grace that you have
extended to us. Father we thank you for the opportunity to humble ourselves and
repent for all things that have not pleased you. Thank you for life. Thank you
for your strength. Thank you for your mercy which we do not deserve. Father thank you for your grace extended to
us ever so sweetly. Show us the way;
lead us on the path to true holiness. Lead and guide us into all truth, your
truth. Order our steps like never before. Open our eyes to see past the
destruction. Open our eyes to see past our flesh. Open our eyes to gaze upon
your glory. We need you more than we
have acknowledged. We need your touch and we need your love. We need you more than
anything in this earth, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Blessings and Love,
A Scribe for the Lord, A Scribe of the Lord