Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Special Message to those with Book Assignments


I got up this morning with some of the Lord’s scribes and others on my heart who have been called to complete their writing assignments. What I heard is that many could have already completed their assignments but have been allowing fear to stifle the process. Father gave you a message to share and you have actually not allowed for the message to flow in a clear consistent manner because you have been fearful of what your peers would have to say about what is being presented. The book assignment you have been divinely graced to complete is from the Father and given straight to you, there is no “Middle Man.” 

Please do not allow the fear of man to stop up the flow of God through your vessel. Go back and even if you have to sit and “rewrite,” yes, rewrite the book the way Father told you in the beginning, an even greater release will come forth. Obey first even if you do not understand.

In order to do what you have been assigned to do, Father is entrusting you with the wisdom and revelation that is about to be released through your obedience. Know that Father loves you and He will never, ever steer you in the wrong direction about anything that pertains to your life. Let go of your book assignment and release it fully back into the Father’s care. When you do this, the book assignment, once completed will have the anointing and grace on it to touch the lives of those whom are predestined to read your book.  10/22/2013 @ 11:00 AM 

Prayer of Release

Father, I lift up your people before you now, those who you have assigned with a written message. I ask that you would touch each heart and infuse them with your love. May your love overflow in them that it cast out all fear. May they walk in holy reverence of you and seek to be pleasing to you in  all that you require of them. Father, I thank you for the divine assignments that are coming forth and I thank you Father for the lives that will be touched and  the lives that will be transformed as a result of their obedience. I thank you in advance for those who will  hear your heart on today and move forth in your grace. In Jesus name; amen and amen.

Blessings and love

A Scribe of the Lord, a Scribe for the Lord