Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healing for the Emotionally Wounded

You know what? We truly do serve a faithful and awesome Father who is always concerned about every intimate detail of our lives. As you may know I posted on yesterday about Mental Health Awareness month and the importance of checking and knowing your mental health status. This morning when I woke up to prepare for the day, Father wanted me to post additional revelation concerning the emotional wellbeing of His children.

Some of us have recently come out of test, trials and tribulations which have tested our mind, body and spirit down to its very core. In what was designed to break and strip us in every way, the awesome grace of God rushed in like a flood to allow for us to come out of our situation. Many times when we have experienced the hardships of life, we can come out happy that we made it and that’s all that truly matters. But to be truthful how many of us have stood holding up the banner of victory not realizing that we may still have unresolved issues that we have not personally dealt with?  As we take a moment to pause and reflect on this question, let me go further into what Father would like to say on today.

In this new season of overflow and increase, there is a harvest of souls who do not know Jesus but who are awaiting the appointed time for connection with those who will minister and plant the seed of the word of God in their lives. Where we as the people of God come in on this is that we first must deal with any residue or bitterness associated with the events of this past season. Any issues where we have experienced, hurt, pain, rejection or abuse must be acknowledged and then resolved before this huge harvest begins to come forth in the earth.  The time for inner healing is now and the Holy Spirit is readily available to assist us in making sure that we are ready emotionally for this new season.

Some may ask why this is important and what does being emotionally fit and ready has to do with ministry? Well for starters, if we are still living in last season and focused so much on what happened or even who hurt us; there’s no way we can even begin to focus on what’s ahead. Additionally, if we are still dealing with the effects of anger, bitterness or hurt, it will often show up in the way that we minister and relate to others even if we don’t mean to do so intentionally.  So by checking our mental health status, we are ensuring that we are indeed emotionally fit enough to move forth freely with the ordained assignments God has called for us to complete.

The word of God states in John 8:36, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” We have been given a precious gift and were set free because of what Jesus already carried and endured on the cross for us. When Jesus rose up with all power and the keys to the kingdom in His hands, He gave us the necessary tools which would help us stand strong when we are faced with the adversities and trials of life.  Does having the necessary tools discount what we have experienced emotionally in this last season? No, not all at because we are spirit beings living in a natural body, it’s a normal process of life for us to express in a positive or negative manner that which we may be experiencing at any given moment. Even Job after losing nearly everything he had was given the opportunity to deal with any residue in his life before God blessed him with a double portion. (See Job 42:1-6)

Prayerfully now you can see how extremely important it is to always check your mental health status after coming out of a physically or spiritually draining experience. Our emotional wellbeing and how we feel in every area of our lives will effect how far we can go forth in God.  Coming out of our test or trials full of bitterness will not make us better but coming out standing in the freedom and liberty of Christ will help to propel us to that new place God has already prepared for us to go into.  Now, let us pray,

Heavenly Father, we come before you now with humbled hearts and hands lifted to give you honor and glory. We thank you for your Sovereignty and for your Holiness. You are an incredible Father and we thank you for always being concerned about every area of our lives.  We thank you for your faithfulness and unmerited favor. For without your Grace we would still be stuck in yesterday. O God thank you for what you have allowed for us to experience in this life. We thank you for the good, the bad, the bitter and the sweet. We give you praise for how you allowed for us to be tested that we may be made stronger in you. Father we bless your Holy name and adore you for being the awesome Father that you are. Thank you for choosing us as your very own. Thank you for calling us to your very heart.

May our lives be what you have created and purposed us to be in you. Help us to endure and stand in faith as we go through. Help us to focus in on your goodness and who you are. Help us to know that you will never leave us or forsake us but in all things you always make a way of escape for us. You are the Potter and we are your clay, shape us and make us into the purified vessels you can use for your honor and glory. Father forgive us this day for harboring any anger, bitterness or even jealousy in our hearts associated with what we experienced in our last season. We release all hurt, pain, shame and rejection to you now. We ask that you create in us a clean heart and renew the right spirit within us that we may go forward to declare your goodness to the nations. Father thank you for your healing virtue flowing freely though our hearts, our minds and our spirit.

We thank you that our emotions have been completely surrendered to you. Thank you for freedom through your Son, Christ Jesus. Thank you for restoring our emotional wellbeing on this day, in Jesus name we do pray, Amen.

Blessings & love, 

Arnita L. Fields 

A Scribe for the Lord, a Scribe of the Lord's. 


If you are in need of Jesus the Savior, you are welcome to pray the following prayer.

Prayer of Salvation

I repent of all of my sins and right now I do confess that Jesus is the Son of God and that He died for the remission of my sins. I believe that Jesus died and was buried and rose again, and is now seated at the right hand of God in Heaven. I receive Him now as Lord of my life and I now commit to serve him for the rest of my days.

It’s in Jesus’ name I do pray, Amen.

If you have just prayed this prayer and want more information about beginning your new life as a Christian, please call or write us, we will be happy to send you a free booklet.

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