Saturday, December 11, 2010

Moving Forward: Beyond 2010

Update for 12-11-10

I'm up working late on homework and was led to get this devotional from five months ago and repost. As I think about the place I was during that time versus where I am now, I know personally that I am a much better person because of the changes I had to face. Even after all of the changes I had to go through, I am yet a determined woman who is pressing ahead and moving foward as this year comes to a complete close.

Father God has great things in store, and I am joyfully expectant as a child would be when a parent promises a surprise gift months in advance. My prayer for each of you during the coming weeks is that you remain  stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor has not been done in vain. God is a rewarder of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Stay focused despite the small irritations and distractions. Know that God has you covered under the shadow of His wings because you are consistently making time to love on Him and to dwell in the secret place of the Most High God.

God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

Arnita L. Fields

Original Post

As I sat working on a project during the third watch of the night, I began to hear the rustling of the wind outside my window. As the wind picked up speed and lightening began to light up the sky, it was inevitable that a huge storm was about to pass through Memphis. After spending a few moments listening to see if I should just go on to bed and finish up what I was working on later today, I began to type faster as words began to flow up out of my spirit. Although a huge storm was moving throughout the city, I still had to remain focused and keep on working because God still had something to say despite what was going on around me.

During the course of the past few months Israel Houghton’s song “Moving Forward” has come up repeatedly in my spirit. I love this song not because Israel is one of my favorite minstrels, but because the words resonate with my spirit as a charge to move forward into the things that God has purposed for me to do and in the time that I have been allotted to do them in.

This morning during my quiet time as I listened intently to what the spirit of God was saying, I began to hear that there were some things in my life that needed to be closed out and completed before the end of this month. July which is the seventh month is also known as the month of completion. As details of the items that needed my immediate attention were revealed, I began to make mental notes so that I would not forget one single thing. God was truly showing forth His wisdom as He began to confirm to me details about the upcoming season and the things that were coming to a close in my life right now.

Although my breakthrough stands within sight on the horizon, I am truly glad that I was up and working before the storm came, it has put my mind at rest knowing that this type of cleansing rain was good not only for the city but for my soul and spirit as well.

One of my favorite scriptures is Ecclesiastes 3, where in verse 1 Solomon writes; “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” With this thought in mind, as I move closer to my 44th year of life, I am learning so much more about myself as an individual as well as who I am as a child of God. Although during the course of 43 years, I have made numerous mistakes, and have by the grace and wisdom of God made many good decisions. Many of these decisions led me closer to God and many others took me away from His planned will for my life. Regardless of this fact, God had continued to shower His love upon and in me. My deepest desire and heart’s cry is to be a vessel unto honor and pleasing to God no matter the cost. After today, I have no plans of looking back; my face has now been set like flint so that I can move forward in God.

Although I have been directed to remove some people and things that have become distractions, I know that all things do work together for good in the end. Despite the many storms of this past season God has truly been merciful to me and my family. For without His mercy and grace I believe I would have fainted right smack in the middle of it all, but because I have a purpose and destiny to fulfill in God, He has come to strengthen me and to restore my soul.

May this note offer some type of encouragement to you as you prepare to exit the month of completion and enter into your very own month of new beginnings.

In God's love,

Arnita L. Fields, 2010

Aim High and Fly Higher!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I have the Plans


Jeremiah 29:11


You’ve been grasping for straws in the sea of life, running here and running there with all of your might.

Looking to Bobby and to Betty Sue, seeking out people, to see what they can do for you. Shut down your project and come seek after me.

I am the one who loves you and have come to set you free. I have great plans that pertain to your life.

I am the one who holds the puzzle pieces and can set them in place upright. I know the plans that I have for you, and I have the directions and the map, that will help to see you through.

THE WORD a Poetry Connection

Poem from the book THE WORD a Poetry Connection, copyright 2008 Arnita L. Fields

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rise Above Your Ashes

Rise above your ashes, no matter where they may fall.
Rise above your ashes, don’t panic or your destiny will surely be stalled.
Rise above your ashes, and tap into your well deep down inside.
Rise above your ashes, and kiss your misery good-bye!

© Arnita L. Fields 2009

     As the seasons began to change and we enter into the last quarter of 2009, many of us will find ourselves once again in a mode of self reflection as we assess how the events and changes in the first three quarters of this year have affected our lives. If you are still dealing with the effects of a loss you have faced, I would like to take a few moments to offer you a word of encouragement which is taken right out of the word of God.

     You may have lost your home; car, a job, furniture, family or friends and some of you may even have lost your faith. But despite what you may have lost, you can and are well able to recover those things that God has preordained for you to have. If you are serious about reclaiming what you have lost, you are going to have to become a willing participant in your own recovery process.

     Let’s go now to the word of God in 1 Samuel 30:1-8 and take a look at David and how he was able to rise above his ashes and recover that which belonged to him. In verse 1 we see where the Amalekites had invaded Ziklag and burned it with fire, but as we come to verse 4 we began to see how David responded in his trial. (4) “Then David and the people who were with him lifted up their voices and wept, until they had no more power to weep. (6) Then David was greatly distressed for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God.” (NKJV)

     Do you see that it was okay when you cried about your loss? But after you have cried and released your tears, you must come to a point where you will have to get up from your ash heap and begin to tap down into your spirit and make a divine connection with your Heavenly Father. The attitude that you take when you are in the midst of a fiery trial is key as to how well you will respond back to God. If you have previously been building yourself up in your most holy faith, you will be able to pull up whatever it is that you need to come out of your situation victorious. David had the right attitude towards God when he approached the throne of grace. He knew that the wisdom he needed to pass his test was not wrapped up in the people around him, but in his own personal relationship with God.

     Now let’s go back and see what David did in the following verse, (8) “So David inquired of the Lord, saying shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them? And He answered him, “Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all.” (NKJV) When David made his divine connection with God; he was able to receive the wisdom he needed to move forward in his recovery process.

     Have you taken what you have been struggling and dealing with to God? Are you willing to take part in your own recovery process? Or are you just looking for someone else to come and bail you out of all of your troubles? You may say that you are not like David and you don’t have his faith or even his strength, but the word of God says that you do have the same divine connection that he had, and that’s a direct line to the heart of God. We serve a God who never sleeps and never slumbers. He is a God who is not a respecter of persons, and He is a wise loving Father who hears the cry of His children. Your ashes are not meant for you to sit in forever; they are only there to help propel you to your next level and place in God. So my dear sister and brother I say to you right now, arise and dust yourself off; and immediately consult God for His divine wisdom and direction so that you too; can move forward into your divine destiny and purpose.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Isaiah 55:10-11 Devotional

It is late Saturday evening and I just placed some seasoned chicken in the oven to bake for Sunday dinner. As I washed the chicken in the sink a flood of gratitude washed over me as I thought about the past season and how God blessed my husband and I despite the financial drought we experienced.

In a season that was meant to break us and destroy our faith altogether, God was right there in the midst of it all. There was not one time where we went hungry; in fact I have gained weight because my clothes have gotten a bit snug. As I meditated in the moment while still washing the chicken, my eyes clouded up with tears as I thanked God for the gift of my husband and how he still pressed on to provide for us and to keep a roof over our heads. I honor God that our faith is much stronger and our marriage of 13 years has gotten another layer of strength to add to its foundation. God is definitely worthy to receive all of my praise for what He has done.

You may ask if I got discouraged in all of this, honestly, yes I did, but still despite this fact, I did not lose my faith in God. Since I can remember God has placed a resilient spirit in me. No matter what came my way, I would always through the grace of almighty God, bounce back. If it had not been for the Lord on my side during my lowest points in life, where would I be? Truly I know today that I would have been swallowed up. But it was God’s grace and mercy that kept me moving forward, Hallelujah!

As I began to check on the side items cooking on the stovetop, I stopped to give thanks to God for the days to come. I feel down in my spirit that the best days of my life are right in front of me. I am stronger, wiser and definitely ready to walk out in obedience as God’s divine will unfolds in the coming months. God is up to something good and I break into a smile just thinking about what’s to come.

In parting I would like to leave this with you, stay focused and set your face like flint during this time, let the spirit of God lead you, stand strong and stand firm on the word of God and keep on pressing into the throne room of grace. Your prayer time and time alone with God is essential to your breakthrough. Stay connected to your church and church family, there is strength when the different parts of the body are connected. No matter how hard or how long the struggles you are facing today may be, understand in your heart and mind that God is there in the midst with you just as He was with Daniel in the lion’s den. God sees, hears, and knows what you are going through. He is truly just one prayer away. Trust and believe that the living word of God spoken over your life in the past will not return void but will accomplish God’s will. I rejoice with you as you come to the realization that your best days are indeed in front of you, too.

God Bless!

Isaiah 55:10-11

(10) For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And make it bring forth an bud, That it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, (11) So shall My word be that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return to me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Restoration Prayer for America

Father God, we humble our hearts and align our minds and spirit with you, the only true and living God. We ask that you forgive us for the times we have missed you and allowed our fleshly desires to cloud our thoughts and lives with things which took our focus from true kingdom business. God we repent for all of the negative and unholy things we as a people have allowed to enter into our country and communities. Many of the things we have allowed could have been prevented if we as a people had taken out time to petition your throne of grace.

Heavenly Father, we repent for the murder of every unborn child who will never have an opportunity to experience life. We repent for allowing prayer to be taken out of our public schools and for allowing the enemy free access to our children’s lives. Forgive us God for abusing the elderly and for mistreating the poor and disenfranchised. We repent for not truly loving our neighbors as ourselves. Forgive us dear God for all of our selfishness and for only being concerned about our individual needs. So many people are hurting and dying right before our eyes because we have not been true lights upon a hill, but more like pen lights in a dense fog. Father, please forgive us for our spiritual blindness. Open our eyes so we may see our country and the world through your eyes.

Father God, forgive us for sleeping on the job and for wasting precious time. We repent for not standing in the gap and interceding for our government leaders and those who have rule over us. Forgive us for our constant complaining and bickering and for not participating in our country’s growth process. Your word tells us to work while it is yet day, for when the night comes no man can work. Breathe on us God, so the flame in our hearts will burn with a new intensity and fire as we set our hands to help complete the work that you have already started in this country. May our eyes be focused as we renew our commitment to serve you God in not only words but in faith and godly works. Father God, we humbly accept this new challenge as our country unites to walk into this new season of change. Thank you for forgiving us for our sins and iniquities and also for directing us back to your heart and into your divine will and purpose for America.

Restoration Prayer from the book, America's Change a Poetic View 2009

Monday, August 23, 2010

Return Unto the Lord

(Isaiah 55:7)

Leave behind your past, do it today.

Seek the Lord for it is now time to do things His way.

Awake out of your slumber, shake off your sleep.

Forsake all that is evil and rejoin the other sheep.

Copyright 2006, Arnita L. Fields
Seeking God

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

Humble, Pray, Seek, And Turn.

Humble, Pray, Seek, And Turn.

Humble, Pray, Seek, And Turn.

Humble, Pray, Seek, And Turn.


Copyright 2006, Arnita L. Fields

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Word of Encouragement- Answered Prayer

I have been led to share with the Body of Christ a vision that occurred this morning during my personal time of meditation and prayer. I was so encouraged and strengthen by this vision that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my life will no longer be the same as a result. God is a keeper and a rewarded of those who diligently after seek Him, and He is also a God who never sleeps or slumbers. May you be strengthen and encouraged as I share with you this vision entitled “Answered Prayer”

As I closed out my time of prayer this morning I began to see this dark mass of clouds. As I continued to look up at the clouds, I began to see a small opening that soon opened larger to reveal a very tall ladder. Within moments, I began to see tall ladders quickly covering the whole parking lot of the community in which I live. As my eyes began to look around, I began to see ladders popping up in the sub-divisions across the street from where I live. My husband and I were standing near the front door in our home, but I could see that a ladder was right adjacent to our front door. When we finally opened our front door, to see what was going on, I heard from above me that the people had a choice as to whether they decided to climb up the ladder that was outside their front doors. As I turned to my husband, I said to him lets go up and then he motioned for me to go on up ahead of him. As we climbed the ladder, we stopped several times to catch our breath and to wait on each other. Although our focus was on where we were going, I began to take notice of what was going on around us.

As we climbed higher, I realized that we were about to go through some of the different levels leading up to where God was in the third heaven. When we got to the level of the second heaven, I began to see and feel the presence of evil all around us. I could see demons sitting on either side of us incognizant that we were on a ladder going up in their midst. As we passed this area we continued to climb higher and I saw more clouds around us, at this point we began to tire but I encouraged my husband & myself to keep on going. Soon we passed another area, where on both sides; I began to see televisions, and all kinds of electronic media equipment. The scripture, prince of the power of the air came to mind as we continued to climb on up higher. The ladder and the area we were going up began to get narrower the higher we climbed up. Finally, I eventually had to slow down as not to trip on my feet because we were coming to a small watch tower at the top. It was a small wooden platform where there was only room for my husband and me to stand. As I got to it, I stood up on the platform and reached out my hand to help my husband up. As we stood on the platform, I looked around and could see people making their way to the top of their towers as well. Then out of nowhere an angel appeared with a stack of gift boxes. As the angel set it down at our feet, I took in all of the details. There were seven beautiful wrapped boxes stacked just like you would see the boxes stacked in the big department stores in their Christmas displays.

The boxes were arranged from the smallest to the largest. The smallest was the size of a ring box and the largest was the size that would fit a nice sized winter coat. As the angel left, I began to open each box; in the first box I found it to be empty. In the second box, it was also empty, and then the third, fourth and fifth boxes I opened were empty as well. After opening each box I would pass each one to my husband who placed the boxes back at our feet. When I opened up the sixth box, I saw a dark black mass in it and realized that it was heavy as I tried to see what was in the box. As I stuck my hand in the box, I realized at the same moment that it was a huge dead black snake! When the others around me saw what was in their boxes they began to rejoice and praise God that the snake was dead. Seeing this dead snake did not cause any alarm to me at all but immediately encouraged me because I began to understand in my heart that the snake represented the enemy who had recently wreaked havoc in our lives but who no longer could because God had delivered us. I then put the lid back on the sixth box and passed it over to my husband as I reached down to open up the very last box which was number seven. As I did, I began to hear all around me and coming from in the distance shouts of joy as a huge praise rose up from the people. As I took the lid off of this huge box, small bits of colorful confetti popped up, and then out came balloons of various colors; finally two white doves flew up out of the box. I immediately recognized these doves as the peace of God. I let out a shout, wow look at this!

My husband and I began to join in and rejoice with the others who were seriously praising God loudly. Within moments the angel was back, but this time with only a letter in his hands. The letter was in one of those fancy envelopes which had a clay tablet that sealed the envelope in the center and was addressed to my husband and me; I was like wow, a personal letter. When I opened the letter it was written on some of the most beautiful parchment paper and had this heading at the top, “Answered Prayers.” I was speechless as I thought oh my goodness. Immediately my eyes began to look over the letter which contained every prayer my husband and I had ever prayed as a couple. As we looked over the list, the letter began to unfold towards our feet and I heard from above me that every prayer was heard and every prayer had been answered which was prayed according to the will of God. Hearing this message lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders as my mind thought about Psalm 28 which talks about God answering prayers.

Humbled for what had been revealed to my eyes, I began to worship and give glory to God in the natural as I continued to worship and pray in the spirit. In the vision, I could hear people doing the same as we all rejoiced and worshipped God on one accord. As we worshipped there appeared before my husband and I two angels. One of the angels took me in his arms and the other one took my husband up in his arms as they took us back down past our ladder and right to our front door. As I looked around me, I saw people in our community being returned to their homes one by one as they were also carried in the arms of angels. My husband and I then entered our home looking straight ahead and closed the door behind us. Once in, I looked down at my hand and saw that I was still holding the letter which would now serve as a reminder to us that God does hear and answers our prayers.

Psalm 28:6 Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Acts Chapter 2

Fresh rain, fresh wind moving through the sky,
coming so quickly there's no where to run
and hide.

Caught off guard no place to go, you stand
at attention trying to focus with your
nervous soul.

The time has come, here comes the release,
no time to be like Gideon and lay out
the fleece.

Thought God forgot? You know these are the
last days. When He pours out His spirit
upon all flesh and leads us into His ways.

Now full of His spirit, your life begins
to change. You're now walking in the
boldness and authority of Jesus name.

Copyrighted 2005 Arnita L. Fields
Published in Rescued, Restored, Renewed & Revived 2006

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Wishing a Happy 68th Birthday to my mama, Etta o'Bryant today. Following is a poem that I wrote for her in 2006, hope you all enjoy it.

God Bless, Arnita

(For my mom Etta O’bryant)

Thank You God for the life I now live.
It means more to me than the material
things you give.

All throughout my life as I journeyed along the way,
you’ve carefully chose bits and pieces of all of my days.
You added in extra faith, love, hope, peace and allowed
in a bit of sorrow.

Your true aim was for me to see that each day was a part
of a bigger and brighter tomorrow.

Now the pieces full of color, and handled with such
care, soon evolve and fit together like a fine woven tapestry.

My life has been woven by the hands of the almighty
God so delicately.

Now, the whole world will be able to see, how little by
little and bit by bit, God has changed me into the
woman that He created me to be.

Copyright 2006 Arnita L. Fields
Published in the book "And the Beat Goes On" (2007)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Die Religion Die

Cast down your pride and your old mindsets,
our God is a living God and He deserves our very best.

God is not concerned if you can two step in place,
or even when your fasting
that you wear a down cast face.

God is not looking for people who feel comfortable
in a mold. He called us as servants and His word has
called for us to be bold.

He called us as witnesses to be lights upon a hill,
not to be religious puppets
seeking man and not Him for His will.

We must gather together as God's chosen people and
prepare for our battle cry. No more business as usual,
as we shout to the world, Die Religion Die.

Copyrighted 2005 Arnita L. Fields
Published in Rescued, Restored, Renewed & Revived, 2006

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moving Forward

As I sat working on a project during the third watch of the night, I began to hear the rustling of the wind outside my window. As the wind picked up speed and lightening began to light up the sky, it was inevitable that a huge storm was about to pass through Memphis. After spending a few moments listening to see if I should just go on to bed and finish up what I was working on later today, I began to type faster as words began to flow up out of my spirit. Although a huge storm was moving throughout the city, I still had to remain focused and keep on working because God still had something to say despite what was going on around me.

During the course of the past few months Israel Houghton’s song “Moving Forward” has come up repeatedly in my spirit. I love this song not because Israel is one of my favorite minstrels, but because the words resonate with my spirit as a charge to move forward into the things that God has purposed for me to do and in the time that I have been allotted to do them in.

This morning during my quiet time as I listened intently to what the spirit of God was saying, I began to hear that there were some things in my life that needed to be closed out and completed before the end of this month. July which is the seventh month is also known as the month of completion. As details of the items that needed my immediate attention were revealed, I began to make mental notes so that I would not forget one single thing. God was truly showing forth His wisdom as He began to confirm to me details about the upcoming season and the things that were coming to a close in my life right now. Although my breakthrough stands within sight on the horizon, I am truly glad that I was up and working before the storm came, it has put my mind at rest knowing that this type of cleansing rain was good not only for the city but for my soul and spirit as well.

One of my favorite scriptures is Ecclesiastes 3, where in verse 1 Solomon writes; “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” With this thought in mind, as I move closer to my 44th year of life, I am learning so much more about myself as an individual as well as who I am as a child of God. Although during the course of 43 years, I have made numerous mistakes, and have by the grace and wisdom of God made many good decisions. Many of these decisions led me closer to God and many others took me away from His planned will for my life. Regardless of this fact, God had continued to shower His love upon and in me. My deepest desire and heart’s cry is to be a vessel unto honor and pleasing to God no matter the cost. After today, I have no plans of looking back; my face has now been set like flint so that I can move forward in God.

Although I have been directed to remove some people and things that have become distractions, I know that all things do work together for good in the end. Despite the many storms of this past season God has truly been merciful to me and my family. For without His mercy and grace I believe I would have fainted right smack in the middle of it all, but because I have a purpose and destiny to fulfill in God, He has come to strengthen me and to restore my soul. May this note offer some type of encouragement to you as you prepare to exit the month of completion and enter into your own month of new beginnings.

In God's love,

Arnita L. Fields